Tetra Protocol Analysis
The Argos protocol analyzer supports the acquisition and analysis of a set of Tetra (Terrestrial Trunked Radio) protocols, the most important ones being the Air Interface MAC, LLC and Layer 3, including Tetra TEDS, the ISI (Inter System Interface) and the SS (Supplementary Services); see the complete list. The software can also decode the TBS (Tetra Base Station), SwMI (Switching and Management Infrastructure) internal and external messages, with and without Tetra protocol layer.
The Tetra protocols, defined by the open standard (see ETSI), are provided with the software in clear XML. The Tetra protocols can be easily integrated with proprietary protocols, using our proprietary, powerful yet simple XML protocol definition language. The same language is used to define customized views and post processing.
Fragmented PDUs, like LLC and Packet Data or other internal or external proprietary signalling, are reassembled and decoded as complete PDUs.
The flexibility of data input interfaces allows the use of the analyzer in all phases of product development: software development, integration and system testing, deployment and maintenance.
Argos will also provide an open input and output file format for Tetra Air Interface protocol data. The users either can use this or define their own input and output file formats using the XML protocol language.
Fields of applications of Argos Tetra analyzer:
- Monitoring and Analysis of Tetra protocols, like Tetra Air Interface and SS
- Monitoring of Tetra mobiles, Tetra Base Stations and Tetra Networks
- ISI analysis from internal and external interfaces between Tetra switches
- Tetra protocols on IP, IP protocols on Tetra
- Tetra IOP testing
- Analysis tool for Tetra software development
- Custom protocol analysis
We can assist our customers to integrate the Argos Tetra protocol analysis solution into their proprietary infrastructure:
- Argos customization and integration for Tetra analysis Argos Main Window
Integration with proprietary protocols and interfaces
- Interfacing with proprietary or 3rd party hardware
- Customer specific post processing, reporting and exporting
- Customer specific application features
We can train our customers on how to use the software most efficiently and how they can update, develop and fine tune the protocol analysis with the XML protocol language.
All these are offered at a competitive price and quality. Correction releases, bug fixes are offered free of charge for unlimited time.
The continuous development of Argos by us, and a long time support agreement, allows our customers to continuously receive new features and enhanced functionality.
Contact us for more details on technical or financial subject.